Podobno Filmi
Kralj škorpijonov
Kralj škorpijonov5.60 2002 HD
Okrutni Memnon zavlada puščavskim plemenom. Z vojsko neusmiljenih barbarov zavzame gore in ravnine, pobije nasprotnike in zasužnji skoraj...
Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons4.35 2000 HD
Arthur's Whisky
Arthur's Whisky6.80 2024 HD
Presto7.80 2008 HD
Gospodar prstanov: Bratovščina prstana
Gospodar prstanov: Bratovščina prstana8.40 2001 HD
Potem ko od svojega strica Bilba podeduje skrivnostni prstan, se mora mladi hobit Frodo Bisagin podati na potovanje, da ga ne dobi v roke njegov zli...
Gospodar prstanov: Stolpa
Gospodar prstanov: Stolpa8.40 2002 HD
Frodo Bisagin in preostala druščina, zdaj ločeni, nadaljujejo svojo pot k uničenju Prstana Mogote. Njihove usode jih vodijo k dvema...
Gospodar prstanov: Kraljeva vrnitev
Gospodar prstanov: Kraljeva vrnitev8.48 2003 HD
Medtem ko se vojske zbirajo na bojišču, ki bo odločalo o usodi sveta, in mogočne starodavne sile Svetlobe in Teme tekmujejo za premoč, se...
Čudežno potovanje
Čudežno potovanje8.50 2001 HD
Desetletna deklica Čihiro je prepričana, da se mora svet podrediti vsaki njeni muhi. Ko ji starši povedo, da se morajo preseliti, je besna...
Eragon5.11 2006 HD
Batman6.42 1966 HD
Priporočilo Filmi
The Blackout
The Blackout6.48 2019 HD
Contact between most towns on Earth has been severed. A small ring-like area in Eastern Europe still has electricity, and maybe even life is being...
A7.56 2022 HD
Every person you meet is fighting a battle you don't know anything about. Lena comes to the countryside to collect and take things out of the house...
Blow Up My Town
Blow Up My Town6.40 1968 HD
A young girl shuts herself away in her apartment and goes about her business in a strange way, as she wastes the night in the kitchen –...
Biking Borders
Biking Borders7.25 2021 HD
Best friends Max and Nono bike from Berlin to Beijing, collecting donations to build a school for a unique fundraising adventure in this documentary.
National Hero
National Hero7.00 2024 HD
Ethnobloggers from the peoples of Russia - a Yakut hunter, a Khanty reindeer herder and a Dagestan shepherd - share their daily lives on camera....
Атыкуда4.75 2023 HD
A young, unknown artist, Ivan, goes from Moscow to St. Petersburg to audition for a new big film directed by Alexei German Jr. But suddenly, one by...
Hero Dog: The Journey Home
Hero Dog: The Journey Home7.50 2021 HD
Chinook the Alaskan Malamute must lead a shipwrecked blind man out of the wilderness, while the man's children launch a rescue mission of their own.
Proud of Love
Proud of Love8.50 2021 HD
The film tells a series of hilarious romantic stories about the workplace collision between a cold-faced demon boss, He Zhizhou (Chen Ziyu), and a...
You and Me
You and Me6.20 1971 HD
Two middle-aged doctors and longtime friends reunite after a long separation and find themselves in a love triangle. Pyotr, Sasha, and Katya feel...
A Timeless Christmas
A Timeless Christmas6.40 2020 HD
Charles Whitley travels from 1903 to 2020 where he meets Megan Turner, a tour guide at his historic mansion, and experiences a 21st Century Christmas.