Podobno Filmi
Harry Potter in dvorana skrivnosti
Harry Potter in dvorana skrivnosti7.70 2002 HD
Harry se vrne v svoje drugo leto v Hogwartsu, vendar odkrije, da se dogajajo slabe stvari, ker je Slytherin dedič odprl mesto, imenovano Zbornica...
Kraljevski Artur
Kraljevski Artur7.61 2024 HD
Med profesionalnim pustolovskim tekmovalcem Michaelom Lightom in družabnim potepuškim psom po imenu Arthur se po desetih dneh in 700...
Gunmen4.90 1993 HD
Poroka za umret
Poroka za umret6.28 2022 HD
Darcy in Tom za svojo sanjsko poroko zbereta svoji simpatični, vendar zelo vsiljivi in samozavestni družini na prelepem otoku, kjer pa oba...
R.I.P.D.5.80 2013 HD
Pelle Svanslös och den stora skattjakten
Pelle Svanslös och den stora skattjakten5.60 2000 HD
Hitri in drzni: Hobbs in Shaw
Hitri in drzni: Hobbs in Shaw6.80 2019 HD
Novi del franšize Hitri in drzni bo tokrat posvečen drugačnim obratom - ne gre namreč nadaljevanje, temveč za spinoff, ki se bo...
El Condor
El Condor5.60 1970 HD
Treasure Island: The Adventure Begins
Treasure Island: The Adventure Begins9.00 1994 HD
Dune: Peščeni planet, 2. del
Dune: Peščeni planet, 2. del8.10 2024 HD
2. del raziskuje Paulovo mistično potovanje, po tem, ko se je pridružil Chani in domorodnim Fremenom na svoji bojni poti maščevanja proti...
Priporočilo Filmi
Perfect as You Are
Perfect as You Are7.90 2021 HD
The film, set in today's Budapest, is a romantic dramedy about the lies of relationships and creation, in which the world of advertising, book...
Hunter Hunter
Hunter Hunter6.31 2020 HD
A fur trapper leaves his wife and daughter behind to kill a rogue wolf in the remote wilderness, but they soon become increasingly worried when their...
New Order
New Order6.50 2020 HD
In the near future, a popular uprising in Mexico City interrupts a wedding held at the home of a wealthy family. After the riots have been quashed,...
Dekle7.18 2018 HD
Petnajstletna Lara želi postati profesionalna baletka. Družina jo pri tem podpira, zato se z očetom in bratom preseli v bližino ene...
Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One
Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One7.50 2021 HD
Following a brutal series of murders taking place on Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, Gotham City's young vigilante known as the Batman sets...
The Good, the Bart, and the Loki
The Good, the Bart, and the Loki7.20 2021 HD
Loki is banished from Asgard once again and must face his toughest opponents yet: the Simpsons and Springfield’s mightiest heroes. The God of...
Božična kronika 2
Božična kronika 26.47 2020 HD
Kate Pierce, zdaj cinična najstnica, se nepričakovano ponovno sreča z Božičkom, ko skrivnostni povzročitelj težav zagrozi, da bo odpovedal...
Lov na pošasti
Lov na pošasti6.60 2020 HD
Spektakularna priredba priljubljene istoimenske videoigre o skupini vojakov, ki se znajdejo v boju proti ogromnimi in krvoločnimi pošastmi z...
Jumanji: Naslednja stopnja
Jumanji: Naslednja stopnja6.90 2019 HD
V filmu Jumanji: Naslednja stopnja se ekipa vrača, ampak igra se je spremenila. Kar nekaj časa je minilo, odkar so Spencer, Fridge, Bethany in...
Zathura: Vesoljska avantura
Zathura: Vesoljska avantura6.40 2005 HD
After their father is called into work, two young boys, Walter and Danny, are left in the care of their teenage sister, Lisa, and told they must stay...