Podobno Filmi
Smrtni udarec
Smrtni udarec5.79 2001 HD
Spomini na umor
Spomini na umor8.10 2003 HD
V majhni korejski pokrajini v osemdesetih letih 20. stoletja se detektiva spopadata z več primeri posiljenih in umorjenih žensk.
Le Cercle rouge
Le Cercle rouge7.60 1970 HD
Shaft6.02 2000 HD
Ko razvajeni Walter Wade ubije mladega črnega študenta, ga John Shaft aretira. Walterja spustijo proti varščini, ta pa pobegne iz...
Izvirni strah
Izvirni strah7.66 1996 HD
The Good German
The Good German5.80 2006 HD
The Killing
The Killing7.70 1956 HD
Ghost7.22 1990 HD
James Bond: Živi in pusti umreti
James Bond: Živi in pusti umreti6.51 1973 HD
V čevlje najslavnejšega filmskega tajnega agenta 007 prvič stopi britanski igralec Roger Moore, z očarljivostjo, premetenostjo in...
Kralji ulice
Kralji ulice6.63 2008 HD
Tom Ludlow je policijski veteran in vdovec, ki je bil na ulicah Los Angelesa priča že marsikateremu zločinu. Ko v akciji umre njegov sodelavec,...
Priporočilo Filmi
400 Bullets
400 Bullets6.90 2021 HD
One cold winter night in Afghanistan is about to get a whole lot worse for Rana Rae, a Gurkha soldier left to guard a British military outpost, when...
Babylon 5: The Road Home
Babylon 5: The Road Home6.78 2023 HD
Travel across the galaxy with John Sheridan as he unexpectedly finds himself transported through multiple timelines and alternate realities in a...
Crazy in Love 3
Crazy in Love 37.50 2020 HD
This third installment will tell three stories, three inseparable friends, and three reasons to sing and laugh.
Me Sinto Bem Com Você
Me Sinto Bem Com Você7.30 2021 HD
Five stories of love in times of quarantine. Five differently shaped love stories, from five different origins. Five stories about the importance of...
Killing Love
Killing Love5.70 2014 HD
Casper, movie rental worker becomes an owner of a DVD with a registered murder, which John made for an unfaithful wife.
The Blackout
The Blackout6.49 2019 HD
Contact between most towns on Earth has been severed. A small ring-like area in Eastern Europe still has electricity, and maybe even life is being...
Vampires Suck
Vampires Suck4.30 2010 HD
Becca, an anxious, non-vampire teen is torn between two boys. Before she can choose, Becca must get around her controlling father, who treats her...
The Rite
The Rite6.11 2011 HD
Seminary student Michael Kovak reluctantly attends exorcism school at the Vatican. While he’s in Rome, Michael meets an unorthodox priest who...
Dirka smrti
Dirka smrti6.27 2008 HD
Film nas popelje v bližnjo prihodnost, ki jo pretresajo družbeni nemiri. Nekdanjega dirkača Jensena po krivem obtožijo umora žene....
Anna6.71 2019 HD
Beneath Anna Poliatova's striking beauty lies a secret that will unleash her indelible strength and skill to become one of the world's most feared...