Podobno Filmi
Zadeta modela
Zadeta modela6.53 2004 HD
Harold Lee je zaposlen v investicijski banki. Plača je majhna, delovni čas se velikokrat zavleče v pozne večerne ure, sodelavci ga ne...
Smrtonosno orožje 2
Smrtonosno orožje 27.01 1989 HD
Policista Riggs in Murtaugh sta na sledi južnoafriškim tihotapcem, ki se skrivajo pod diplomatsko imuniteto. Polega tega sta odgovorna za...
Smrtonosno orožje 3
Smrtonosno orožje 36.69 1992 HD
Melu Gibsonu, Dannyju Gloverju in Joeju Pesciju se v tretjem filmu Smrtonosno orožje pridruži še šarmantna Rene Russo. Detektiv...
Smrtonosno orožje 4
Smrtonosno orožje 46.59 1998 HD
Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Rene Russo in Joe Pesci se vračajo v četrtem delu Smrtonosnega orožja, kjer se jim pridruži še zabavni Chris...
Ledena doba 2: Otoplitev
Ledena doba 2: Otoplitev6.71 2006 HD
Čemerni mamut Manfred, zgovorni lenivec Sid in pretkani sabljasti tiger Diego se vračajo na velika platna, kjer jim preglavice znova del led,...
Sam doma 2: Izgubljen v New Yorku
Sam doma 2: Izgubljen v New Yorku6.76 1992 HD
Družina McCallister bo božične praznike preživela v Miamiju. Vse lepo in prav, če se ne bi najmlajši sin Kevin vkrcal na napačno letalo...
Untitled Priscilla, Queen of the Desert sequel
Untitled Priscilla, Queen of the Desert sequel1 1970 HD
Shrek 2
Shrek 27.30 2004 HD
Ko se Shrek in princesa Fiona vrneta z medenih tednov, ju starši povabijo, da obiščejo kraljestvo daleč stran, da bi proslavili...
Shrek Tretji
Shrek Tretji6.30 2007 HD
Mladoporočenca Shreka in princeso Fiono preseneti kraljeva smrt, zaradi katere bi moral Shrek prevzeti vodenje dežele, poleg tega pa mu Fiona...
Svet igrač
Svet igrač7.97 1995 HD
Priporočilo Filmi
Lammbock6.87 2001 HD
Stefan and Kai run a thriving business: a home-grown cannabis trade disguised as a pizza delivery service. For now they just have to fight aphids.
The Bone Man
The Bone Man7.30 2009 HD
Set in a sleepy Austrian mountain village, ex-detective Simon Brenner has grown weary of his job repossessing cars and embarks on an extended getaway...
The Slurb
The Slurb5.93 2001 HD
One Saturday, the Slurb, a strange little creature with a proboscis nose, enters Mr. Taschenbier's life. Slurb, who immediately adopts the shy Mr....
Nobody Loves Me
Nobody Loves Me6.30 1994 HD
On the brink of her 30th birthday, Fanny feels the door to marital happiness closing on her. She is obsessed with death and even visits evening...
Reclaim Your Brain
Reclaim Your Brain6.70 2007 HD
Frustrated, because he is forced to produce bad TV-shows, a manager of a TV-station, enters the station and manipulates the ratings, to initiate a...
Adrenochrome4.20 2018 HD
A young American Veteran gets involved with a gang of Venice Beach psychos who are killing people to extract a psychedelic compound from their...
This Is Congo
This Is Congo7.00 2017 HD
An unfiltered look in to the lives of 3 characters surviving amongst the most recent cycle of conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo, otherwise...
Welcome to Hartmanns
Welcome to Hartmanns6.35 2016 HD
The Hartmann family is turned upside down when mother Angelika decides to take in the refugee Diallo, against her husband's will. Amidst the typical...
Tangerine6.90 2015 HD
It's Christmas Eve in Tinseltown and Sin-Dee is back on the block. Upon hearing that her pimp boyfriend hasn't been faithful during the 28 days she...
Skrito življenje
Skrito življenje7.10 2019 HD
Franz Jägerstätter je mlad moški, ki z ženo in tremi hčerami živi v nemški vasici St. Radegund. Ko izbruhne druga svetovna...