Podobný Filmy
Millennium5.40 1989 HD
Star Trek VIII: Prvý kontakt
Star Trek VIII: Prvý kontakt7.30 1996 HD
Posádka hviezdnej lode Enterprise, vedená kapitánom Picardom, podnikne bojovú misiu do minulosti, presnejšie do...
Terminátor7.70 1984 HD
V roku 2029 ovládajú takmer celú Zem stroje, ktoré sa vzbúrili. V takmer zničenom Los Angeles proti nim vedie...
Návrat do budúcnosti II
Návrat do budúcnosti II7.77 1989 HD
Sotva sa Marty spamätal zo svojej cesty do minulosti, objaví sa stroj času v podobe lietajúceho auta a jeho priateľ doktor...
Star Trek IV: Cesta domov
Star Trek IV: Cesta domov7.10 1986 HD
Je 23. storočie a záhadná cudzia mocnosť ohrozuje Zem ničením jej atmosféry a odparovaním vody z...
Návrat do budúcnosti III
Návrat do budúcnosti III7.48 1990 HD
Stredoškolák Marty McFly uskutočnil predtým prostredníctvom auta času svojho priateľa, "Doca" Emmeta Browna,...
Donnie Darko
Donnie Darko7.80 2001 HD
Niekto by si mohol myslieť, že Donnie Darko je typický puberťák. Lenže Donnie je sklamaný chlapec, trpiaci víziami o...
Doctor Who: The Power of the Daleks
Doctor Who: The Power of the Daleks7.90 1966 HD
La Jetée
La Jetée7.90 1962 HD
Harry Potter a Väzeň z Azkabanu
Harry Potter a Väzeň z Azkabanu8.00 2004 HD
Trinásťročný Harry Potter nie je vôbec nadšený, že musí stráviť ďalšie leto u...
Odporúčanie Filmy
Cat Trip
Cat Trip10.00 1970 HD
A cat on a day out runs into a couple of toy robbers. Things quickly get out of control.
Doctor Who: The Face of Evil
Doctor Who: The Face of Evil8.00 1977 HD
The Doctor arrives on a planet where two tribes, the savage Sevateem and the technically brilliant Tesh, are at war. He meets Leela, an exile from...
Doctor Who: Ghost Light
Doctor Who: Ghost Light8.70 1989 HD
The Doctor takes Ace on an initiative test to a strange Victorian old house where she is forced to confront her darkest fears.
WWE Tribute to the Troops 2018
WWE Tribute to the Troops 20186.50 2018 HD
The 16th annual WWE Tribute to the Troops journeyed to Fort Hood and capped off with an explosive main event, pitting "The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles...
The Wreck
The Wreck4.80 2019 HD
Firu Dorileanu, 30 unemployed, lives alone in his deceased parents' apartment. To pass his financial problems, he tries to sell his mother's...
Search6.60 2021 HD
Hulchul6.30 1971 HD
Peter (O. P. Ralhan) and Kitty (Helen) love each other, but due to Peter's poverty, they are unable to marry each other. One day, during a secret...
Good Windy Days
Good Windy Days6.40 1980 HD
Three friends, Duk-bae, Chun-sik, and Kil-nam, work each at a suburban Chinese restaurant, a barbershop, and a motel. The three friends are clueless...
The Jungle Fight
The Jungle Fight10.00 2014 HD
The Jungle Fight is an action-packed love story about courage, trust, and the triumph of good over evil. David, a handsome football player, and...
Mysteries of the Gods
Mysteries of the Gods5.60 1976 HD
William Shatner explores the theory that the U.S. government is involved in a cover-up of visiting alien spacecraft. Based on a book by Erich von...