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Phil and Kate select the winsome young Camilla as a live-in nanny for their newborn child, but the seemingly lovely Camilla is not what she appears...
Cheer Up, Mr. Lee
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Chul-soo is a man with an intellectual disability. One day, Chul-soo finds out that a young girl, Saet-byul, who is in hospital is his daughter. ...
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A visit to the photographer's returns the physical looks of a 70-year-old grandmother back to her 20s. Things get even stranger when his grandson...
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Gongju, 1953. Huh Sam-kwan (Ha Jung-woo) e un om simplu, muncitor, mostenind indemanarea tatalui sau dulgher si a bunicului sau maistru de...
Feng Shui
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Park Jae-sang was a royal geomancer, who helps people designate propitious site for houses, store and even graves under the belief that a grave in a...
Rough Play
Rough Play6.90 2013 HD
Young is a nameless actor who dreams of becoming a big movie star. Then one day, he makes his breakthrough with a film and becomes a star overnight.
Zero7.80 2012 HD
Zero is a police officer in his mid thirties, pacing the streets of Casablanca, surrounded by loss and futility, and the corruption of everyone...
The Most Beautiful Couple
The Most Beautiful Couple7.00 2019 HD
While two young teachers are spending their summer holiday on the Mediterranean coast they are overwhelmed by a sudden attack. Back home, they try to...