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I Love Venice6.50 2013 HD
This documentary explores the changing landscape of Venice, whose residents are starting to leave in droves as 30 million tourists visit each year.
A Thief's Daughter
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Grounded: Making The Last of Us
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A feature-length exploration of the game's creation, and a love letter to the trials of exploring new territory. There are no road maps or guide...
Cartouche, le Brigand Magnifique
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Down-on-his-luck, unemployed Alexandre has two months to prove to his wife he can take care of his two young kids and be financially independent....
Little Vampire
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Little Vampire lives in a haunted house with a merry group of monsters, but he is bored stiff! One night, he secretly sneaks out of the manor along...
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Lea and her husband Marc have known Francis and his wife Karine for a very long time. Over the years, each one of them has been assigned a specific...
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80's pop icon Gilles Gabriel is about to make a comeback in the French music scene, until he accidentally hits Ranu, a slightly nutty accountant,...
The Fare
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Harris and Penny, a cab driver and his fare, engage in flirtatious banter during their brief ride on a desolate road…until Penny abruptly...
An Angel at My Table
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Subiectul dramei biografice a lui Jane Campion este viata poetei neo-zeelandeze Janet Frame, pelicula prezentand viata turbulenta a autoarei intr-un...