Sličan Filmovi
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou7.10 2004 HD
Austin Powers: Tajanstveni tajni agent
Austin Powers: Tajanstveni tajni agent6.56 1997 HD
Špijunska komedija o britanskom tajnom agentu Austinu Powersu iz 1960-ih koji se nakon zamrzavanja budi u 1997.-oj kako bi uhvatio opasnog...
Krilce ili batak
Krilce ili batak7.22 1976 HD
Charles Duchemin (L. de Funès), poznati gurman i pisac restoranskih kritika, vodi rat protiv jednog od menadžera poznatog restorana brze...
Zweisitzrakete7.50 2013 HD
Come to Daddy
Come to Daddy5.90 2019 HD
Transamerica7.05 2005 HD
Happiness7.50 1998 HD
Tata u akciji
Tata u akciji5.90 2003 HD
Murphy u filmu igra Charliea Hintona, marketinškog eksperta koji radi loše odrađenog posla ostaje na ulici zajedno sa njaboljim...
Vilenjak6.66 2003 HD
Jednog Badnjaka prije mnogo, mnogo godina, jedna se beba uvukla u torbu Djeda Mraza punu poklona i igračaka, a da on to uopće nije primijetio....
Luda božićna zvona
Luda božićna zvona6.04 1996 HD
Božić je najčarobnije vrijeme godine. Moćni biznismen Howard Langston zaokupljen je poslom do zadnjeg trena, primajući posljednje narudžbe od...
Preporuka Filmovi
Elementary6.80 2017 HD
Florence is a school teacher devoted to her students. When she encounters young Sacha, a child with problems, she will do everything she can to help...
The Belgian Job
The Belgian Job4.90 2012 HD
Willy Vander Brook, a world with Franco-Belgian roots, travels to Paris for an interview. He is welcomed by his childhood friend Serge, an ex pub...
Les Municipaux : Trop c'est trop
Les Municipaux : Trop c'est trop4.75 2019 HD
The charming small port of Port-Vendres, with its 280 municipal employees, is shaken by a rumour: the Mayor, assisted by his department head, a...
The Adventures of Halvdan Viking
The Adventures of Halvdan Viking4.70 2018 HD
Halvdan is not a proper Viking. He's having a limp and is regarded by the other kids as a strange loner with no friends, except for the village...
Silences d'état
Silences d'état5.50 2013 HD
Girls with Guns
Girls with Guns4.20 1994 HD
In Montelimar, four young women whom life has not spared want to emerge from mediocrity. They decide to rob a bank, but everything is not so simple...
Le Maître d'école
Le Maître d'école6.03 1981 HD
After having lost his job for having saved a child accused of shop lifting, Frédéric Barbier decides to become a school teacher with...
Djed Božićnjak i ja
Djed Božićnjak i ja6.80 2014 HD
Francuska komedija o lopovu koji prerušen u Djeda Božićnjaka u vrijeme Božića upada u domove i pljačka ih! Kao i svako dijete...
The Adulteen
The Adulteen5.18 2013 HD
Arnaud Mustier, lawyer and brilliant philosopher, arouses the annoyance of his younger brother Jules, age sixteen. One day, Arnaud is a victim of a...
Penny Pincher!
Penny Pincher!5.58 2016 HD
François Gautier is stingy! Saving puts the joy, it causes pay sweats. His life is set for the sole purpose of never spend anything. A life...