Sličan Filmovi
Atlantic: The Wildest Ocean on Earth
Atlantic: The Wildest Ocean on Earth7.30 2015 HD
Sea Gypsies: The Far Side of the World
Sea Gypsies: The Far Side of the World8.60 2017 HD
Sharkwater Extinction
Sharkwater Extinction6.96 2018 HD
Relaxing Old Footage With Joe Pera
Relaxing Old Footage With Joe Pera8.30 2020 HD
I Am Paul Walker
I Am Paul Walker8.10 2018 HD
National Geographic: Tsunami - Killer Wave
National Geographic: Tsunami - Killer Wave6.00 2005 HD
700 requins dans la nuit
700 requins dans la nuit6.70 2018 HD
Čuda koraljnih grebena
Čuda koraljnih grebena7.70 2021 HD
Mala riba napuhača putuje kroz nevjerojatni mikrosvijet prepun fantastičnih stvorenja u potrazi za domom na Velikom koraljnom grebenu.
30 Years of National Geographic Specials
30 Years of National Geographic Specials7.00 1995 HD
Sonic Sea
Sonic Sea7.20 2016 HD
Preporuka Filmovi
Carsko putovanje
Carsko putovanje7.06 2005 HD
Surovi uvjeti života na zaleđenom Antarktičkom kontinentu otjerali su gotovo sve životinjske vrste. Rijetke preostale ptice u tom zaleđenom...
Little Nicholas
Little Nicholas6.00 2009 HD
Nicolas has a happy existence, parents who love him, a great group of friends with whom he has great fun, and all he wants is that nothing changes....
If Beale Street Could Talk
If Beale Street Could Talk6.90 2018 HD
After her fiance is falsely imprisoned, a pregnant African-American woman sets out to clear his name and prove his innocence.
African Cats
African Cats7.35 2011 HD
African Cats captures the real-life love, humor and determination of the majestic kings of the savanna. The story features Mara, an endearing lion...
Aliens of the Deep
Aliens of the Deep6.10 2005 HD
James Cameron teams up with NASA scientists to explore the Mid-Ocean Ridge, a submerged chain of mountains that band the Earth and are home to some...
Where the Wild Things Are
Where the Wild Things Are6.50 2009 HD
Max imagines running away from his mom and sailing to a far-off land where large talking beasts—Ira, Carol, Douglas, the Bull, Judith and...
Izvrnuto obrnuto 2
Izvrnuto obrnuto 27.56 2024 HD
Emocije Sreća, Strah, Tuga, Bijes i Gadljivost imaju novog posla u Rajkinom umu. Dok su se u prvom nastavku morale nositi s privikavanjem na novu...
Klub boraca
Klub boraca8.44 1999 HD
Crnohumorna, satirična drama s podosta nasilja, (prozvana i "Paklena naranča" dvadesetih) rođena prema debitantskom romanu Chucka Palahniuka....
Iskupljenje u Shawshanku
Iskupljenje u Shawshanku8.70 1994 HD
Nakon presude kojom je proglašen krivim za ubojstvo vlastite žene i njenog ljubavnika, Andy Dufresne 1947. stiže u zloglasni zatvor...
Dječak u prugastoj pidžami
Dječak u prugastoj pidžami7.83 2008 HD
Iz perspektive osmogodišnjeg dječaka koji je uvelike zaštićen od stvarnosti Drugog svjetskog rata, svjedoci smo zabranjenoga...