Sličan Filmovi
Gospodar prstenova
Gospodar prstenova6.60 1978 HD
Na raskošnoj zabavi proslave svog 111. rođendana u njihovom selu u pokrajini Shire, hobit Bilbo Baggins (glas N. Birda) svom nećaku Frodu...
A Grand Day Out
A Grand Day Out7.50 1990 HD
The Wrong Trousers
The Wrong Trousers7.80 1993 HD
A Close Shave
A Close Shave7.60 1996 HD
Wallace i Gromit: Velika povrtna zavjera
Wallace i Gromit: Velika povrtna zavjera7.10 2005 HD
Ekscentrični Wallace koji voli sir i njegov lukavi pseći prijatelj Gromit istražuju misterij u animiranoj pustolovini Nicka Parka u kojoj ljupki...
Patke selice
Patke selice7.40 2023 HD
Nakon što obitelj pataka selica sleti na svoje jezerce s uzbudljivim pričama o dalekim mjestima, obitelj Mallard kreće na obiteljsko...
Potraga za Nemom
Potraga za Nemom7.82 2003 HD
Ovaj animirani film studija Pixarove animacije, koji predstavlja Walt Disney Pictures, prati komičan i zanimljiv put dviju riba - preopreznog...
My Little Pony: Friends Are Never Far Away
My Little Pony: Friends Are Never Far Away7.20 2005 HD
The App That Stole Christmas
The App That Stole Christmas3.70 2020 HD
Ples malog pingvina
Ples malog pingvina6.20 2006 HD
Svaki pingvin ima jedinstvenu pjesmu koju izvodi svojoj odabranici, no mali Mumble nema lijep glas, ali zato ima nešto što nema niti...
Preporuka Filmovi
Lord of the Dance
Lord of the Dance7.10 1997 HD
Filmed at the Point Theatre in Dublin 'Lord of the Dance' takes Irish dancing to spectacular new heights. Orchestrated and conducted by Anne Dudley,...
Little Lord Fauntleroy
Little Lord Fauntleroy7.00 1921 HD
An American boy turns out to be the long-lost heir of a British fortune. He is sent to live with the cold and unsentimental lord who oversees the...
VeggieTales: Duke and the Great Pie War
VeggieTales: Duke and the Great Pie War4.40 2005 HD
When the armies of Rhubarb go to battle against the Kingdom of Scone, The Great Pie War breaks out and things get really messy. Sweet Petunia, a...
VeggieTales: Esther, The Girl Who Became Queen
VeggieTales: Esther, The Girl Who Became Queen6.10 2000 HD
The king needs a new queen, and Esther has been chosen! But she's about to find out that being queen is going to take more courage than she ever...
Hornblower: Duty
Hornblower: Duty7.20 2003 HD
Admiral Pellew interrupts Hornblower's wedding reception and tasks him to locate a British ship which has disappeared off the French coast, where...
VeggieTales: Madame Blueberry
VeggieTales: Madame Blueberry5.50 1998 HD
Even though Madame Blueberry lives in a nice treehouse, and has lots of friends, she is still upset because she always thinks she needs more "stuff"....
Michael Flatley Returns as Lord of the Dance
Michael Flatley Returns as Lord of the Dance7.90 2011 HD
Tells a timeless story based on Irish folklore of good versus evil, & through the media of dance & music it is understood and appreciated by every...
Crni sati
Crni sati5.30 2011 HD
U ovom napetom znanstveno-fantastičnom trileru, grupa mladih amerikanaca u posjetu Moskvi vodi očajničku bitku za preživljavanje u sjeni...
Dr. No
Dr. No7.00 1962 HD
Na Jamajci je ubijen britanski tajni agent Strangways i njegova tajnica. Tri ubojice uzeli su iz njegovog ureda dosje na kojem piše "Dr. No"....
The Return of Ringo
The Return of Ringo6.50 1965 HD
Once again billed as Montgomery Wood, Giuliano Gemma plays a civil war soldier who returns to his family land to find his family decimated, his...