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Recomanació Pel·lícules
Steve-O: Gnarly
Steve-O: Gnarly6.70 2020 HD
After a long trip duct taped on the side of a truck from Vegas to Colorado, Steve-O and friends go over his epic life, and the gnarly stunts he has...
Before The Day Breaks
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When the daughter of the Sun and the Moon is stolen, desperate parents call people to get their baby back. Helpers are given only three days: if at...
L’escorta del sicari
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Un escorta és contractat per protegir un assassí a sou i portar-lo a la Haia perquè testifiqui contra un exdictador...
Through My Window
Through My Window7.37 2022 HD
Raquel's longtime crush on her next-door neighbor turns into something more when he starts developing feelings for her, despite his family's...
Murder Mystery 2
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After starting their own detective agency, Nick and Audrey Spitz land a career-making case when their billionaire pal is kidnapped from his wedding.
Spider-Man6.20 1977 HD
When an extortionist threatens to force a multi-suicide unless a huge ransom is paid, only Peter Parker can stop him with his new powers as...
Spider-Man: No Way Home
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Peter Parker és desemmascarat i per tant no és capaç de separar la seva vida normal dels enormes riscos que comporta ser un...
Tom and Jerry Cowboy Up!
Tom and Jerry Cowboy Up!6.90 2022 HD
This time, the rivals team up to help a cowgirl and her brother save their homestead from a greedy land-grabber, and they’re going to need some...
Godzilla vs. Kong
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Godzilla i Kong, dues de les forces més poderoses d'un planeta habitat per tota mena d'esfereïdores criatures, s'enfronten en un...
El nadó en cap: Negocis de família
El nadó en cap: Negocis de família7.35 2021 HD
Els germans Templeton s'han convertit en adults i s'han allunyat l'un de l'altre, però un nou nadó en cap amb un enfocament...