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Recomanació Pel·lícules
Little Witch Academia
Little Witch Academia7.10 2013 HD
Inspired by a magician named Shiny Chariot, the lively Akko Kagari enters the Little Witch Academy with the dream of one day becoming as cool as her...
Fracchia The Human Beast
Fracchia The Human Beast6.70 1981 HD
The world's greatest criminal and the world greatest loser share the same face... now they'll share the same life!
El detectiu Conan: Els gira-sols del foc infernal
El detectiu Conan: Els gira-sols del foc infernal6.10 2015 HD
En una casa de subhastes exclusiva de Nova York surten a subhasta els Gira-sols de Van Gogh que es creia que s'havien cremat durant la 2a Guerra...
The Empire of Corpses
The Empire of Corpses6.00 2015 HD
The story takes place in 19th century Europe, and revolves around John Watson. He is scouted by the government to become a secret agent. However,...
Daughter of Mine
Daughter of Mine6.30 2018 HD
A daughter torn between two mothers, one who raised her with love and her biological mother, who instinctively claims her back.
On Your Wedding Day
On Your Wedding Day7.50 2018 HD
Through the course of their lives, a man and his first love are repeatedly separated from each other because of circumstances out of their control.
Genocyber5.18 1994 HD
As the nations of the world begin to merge, world peace is threatened by the private armies of individual corporations. The Kuryu Group has just...
1923 Kanto Massacre
1923 Kanto Massacre5.50 2024 HD
The Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 marked a moment of unprecedented material destruction and cultural rupture in modern Japan. The disaster soon...
The Marquis of Grillo
The Marquis of Grillo7.80 1981 HD
In 18th-century Rome, impish aristocrat Onofrio del Grillo amuses himself by playing pranks on all sorts of people — his reactionary family and...
Batman Ninja
Batman Ninja5.80 2018 HD
Batman, along with many of his allies and adversaries, finds himself transported to feudal Japan by Gorilla Grodd's time displacement machine.