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Recomanació Pel·lícules
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Saving Leningrad
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September, 1941. In a turn of events, young lovebirds Kostya and Nastya find themselves on board a barge that will evacuate people from the sieged...
Endless Night
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Anxo torna al seu poble natal a la zona rural de Galícia. Allí es troba amb la rancúnia tant de guanyadors com de...
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Browning is a PI with a bad cold, who's sent to investigate a case by a mysterious client. He stumbles across the body of a young woman and is...
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Riley has recently been discharged from rehab after struggling with food and body image issues. She soon meets Ethan and finds herself navigating the...
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When a nature photographer explains to the Police how she fought her way out of the Watchatoomy Valley, they dismiss her crazed and violent story as...
Midnight University
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Every university has some mysterious tall tales of the past, where students die before graduating. Someone wants to create a class to help the...