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Recomanació Pel·lícules
The Vagabonds
The Vagabonds7.00 1985 HD
The film that established Abdel Sayed as a pioneer of New Realism in Egyptian cinema tells the story of two friends who rose from the bottom to the...
Vicious Fun
Vicious Fun6.50 2021 HD
Joel, a caustic 1980s film critic for a national horror magazine, finds himself unwittingly trapped in a self-help group for serial killers. With no...
Beau Travail
Beau Travail7.06 2000 HD
Foreign Legion officer Galoup recalls his once glorious life, training troops in the Gulf of Djibouti. His existence there was happy, strict and...
Malson a Elm Street 4
Malson a Elm Street 45.80 1988 HD
Freddy Krueger torna a la vida després de la seva aparent mort a l'entrega anterior i comença a matar els nois que viuen a Elm Street....
Horizon Line
Horizon Line5.60 2020 HD
A couple flying on a small plane to attend a tropical island wedding must fight for their lives after their pilot suffers a heart attack.
The Bedroom Window
The Bedroom Window6.40 1987 HD
Baltimore, Maryland. Sylvia sees a girl being attacked from her lover Terry's bedroom window. The assailant flees and his victim is saved. But that...
The House by the Cemetery
The House by the Cemetery6.30 1981 HD
After a doctor kills his mistress and himself while researching the mysterious previous owner of his Boston home, his colleague, Dr. Norman Boyle,...
Another Summer Holiday
Another Summer Holiday6.00 2024 HD
Altiero Molino is a twenty-six-year-old digital entrepreneur who’s returning to Ventotene with his model husband in order to gather his old...
War of Likes
War of Likes7.70 2021 HD
In order to advance her career in the dynamic world of publicity in Mexico City, Raquel tries to reunite with her high school friend Cecy who has...
The Blonde One
The Blonde One7.95 2019 HD
Gabriel rents a room in Juan’s House. They work together in a Woodwork place. Gabriel is a very quiet guy and has a little daughter. Juan is a...