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Recomanació Pel·lícules
Detective Chinatown 1900
Detective Chinatown 19006.00 2025 HD
In 1900, a white woman was murdered in Chinatown in San Francisco, and the suspect was a Chinese man. The murder caused social shock, and people...
Eye for an eye 2
Eye for an eye 26.30 2024 HD
Un espadatxí cec, expert en arts marcials, rescata una nena òrfena que acaba de perdre el seu germà. L'espadatxí acaba...
The Documentary
The Documentary6.39 2017 HD
D. stalks Sandra but she doesn't know it. She does think that D. is a documentary filmmaker having her be in film about conquering fear. Little does...
Legends of the Condor Heroes: The Gallants
Legends of the Condor Heroes: The Gallants6.90 2025 HD
Under Genghis Khan, the Mongolian army pushes west to destroy the Jin Dynasty, setting its sights on the Song Dynasty next. Amid internal conflicts...
The Invention of Flesh
The Invention of Flesh4.60 2009 HD
An unlikely relationship forms between two young patients in a hospital.
Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK
Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK8.50 2024 HD
A colossal-sized omnibus film bringing together the last two episodes of Attack on Titan in the franchise's first-ever theatrical experience. After...
The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru
The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru8.40 2024 HD
Filmmaker Fang Li and his crew explore exhaustive historical investigation, as far as possible to find the core of the British, American, Japanese...
The Mehta Boys
The Mehta Boys5.80 2024 HD
After the loss of his mother, Amay, a struggling young architect is forced to live for 48 hours with the one person he cannot stand, his father. It...
Welcome to My Side
Welcome to My Side7.80 2024 HD
Chen Xiaozhou suffered an accident after falling out of love, and since then he has often seen large groups of “quacking” rubber ducks,...
Diabolik, qui ets?
Diabolik, qui ets?6.42 2023 HD
Capturats per una banda criminal despietada, en Diabolik i en Ginko queden tancats a la mateixa cel·la, sense sortida. En Diabolik revela el...